Recently a lot of people suffering from chronically spinal pain is likely to increase. The pain occurs when the discs between the inter vertebral bones start to wear out, also due to disk ruptures, radicle injuries, strain of spinal muscles, sedentary work and motionless lifestyle.
Recently the methods for waist pain treatment became more diverse. Apart of standard treatment, non-traditional methods used in ethno medicine became more and more widespread. Followers of traditional treatment are quite sceptical about methods of non-traditional treatment, but if one feels better why don't to try it?
Acupressure is an ancient treatment method, used by the Orient healers since 2nd century A.D. This is a method, which combines acupuncture and massage. During the process of acupressure, subject to massage, are bio active body points. (BAP) By applying this method meridian energy flow is being restored causing the release of endogenous morphines, which act as pain and stress relieving material. Our body contains 360 bio active points, responsible for particular inward parts of the body. It is a common knowledge that massage of bio active points with amber beads provides especially positive result.
To repeatedly visit the massage saloons and SPA centres is costly and time-consuming. Therefore, this multifunctional massage strap has been manufactured. This invention belongs to the field of medicine. When using this massage strap, especially produced therapeutic splint (belt) is intended for preventive treatment. Natural amber beads available inside this therapeutic waist splint, when comes in contact with human back, stimulates spinal bio active points thus replacing acupressure, being performed with arm fingers
Indications. When using this therapeutic belt appropriate, bio active body points are being stimulated. Each bio active body point directly affects one or another human part of body. When massaging spinal bio active points, we are able to make impact on diseases of that part of body, troubles and other unpleasant feelings, suck as problems related with haemorrhoids, pains during menstruation, disturbances of menstrual cycle, problems of impotence, pains in waist area, digestive tract problems, stomach pains, nausea, spinal pains, problems related with bile, liver pains, headache, head buzzing, inter-vertebral pain, problems of spinal muscles movement, problems of large intestine and insomnia.
Usage. Apply on waist. The remedy is being properly attached to the human body, it causes no movement problems; one may freely move, continue working and at the same time undergo treatment. It is recommended to wash the remedy with hands in the water with temperature not higher than 40 C by using mild detergents. Rinse the part of the splint containing amber with running cold water. Dry in the room temperature further from heating devices. The details of the splint containing amber should be "energetically charged", i.e. leave that detail facing the sun for about 20 minutes and let the sunlight penetrate the detail in question.
Contraindications. Do not apply the splint, if any kind of skin allergy is observed.

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