Limited liability Company ANICTON

LLC ANICTON is registered in 15/08/1996 by Moscow registration chamber No 245112
Type of activity – pharmacology
LLC ANICTON is involved in development of nutritional supplements and their launching into a market. Since 1996 Amber pills have been put forward to a market as well as their approbation and recommendation on use have been arranged. (Announced: Мир Здоровья No 1-1997, No1-1998.) It was the beginning of production of constant preparations based on natural Amber acid . Amber pills are being produced since 1999 and Amber oil – since 2000
LLC ANICTON has certificate from Kaliningrad Amber processing plant concerting trade of Amber acid, produced by the factory
The company Anicton cooperates with institute and factory of food industry in the field of production of new preparations and certification of the products. It constantly participates in various workshops, conferences (IV scientific -practice conference on bioactive nutritional supplements, IV International Congress “Russian folk medicine - past, present and future", V Anniversary scientific -practice conference on bioactive nutritional supplements, intended for 10th anniversary of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences “Effectiveness of use of bioactive nutritional supplements in various fields of medicine”, VII scientific -practice conference on bioactive nutritional supplements Effectiveness of use of bioactive nutritional supplements in various fields of medicine”) and exhibitions, such as “Medicine for you” 02.06-08.06, “Hawkers”, “Life without power of diabetes” and other exhibitions, have been held in Moscow and other regions of Russia. Information about the company is being published in various publications. Approbation of the products of the company is constantly been carried out.
The company ANICTON has the following awards:
•    Gold medal from Russian Exhibition Centre.
•    Silver medal from Dashkov Academy of natural sciences.
•    Gold medal from Dashkov Academy of natural sciences.
•    Plague granted by the Ministry of Health protection of Russian Federation for participation in exhibition “Russian health resorts”.
•    Diploma from Russian Exhibition Centre.
•    Diploma from Academy of Natural sciences.
•    Diploma of the winner of the tender on innovation projects of health protection in Voronezh region.
•    Diploma from exhibition “Expo 2000”.
•    Diploma from international exhibition “Planet and life 2000”.
•    Diploma for professional distribution towards the project “Life without power of diabetes”.
•    Diplomas of participants in regional exhibitions: St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Ryazan, Kaluga, Bryansk and others.