
AMBER COMPLEX (Amber room)

patentas-kambarysAmber therapy is the new licenced method of treatment. Amber Therapy Room is such room, where walls, celling and floor are coated with an appropriate layer of unpolished Amber. Sessions of simple respiratory exercises are being performed in this room in order to facilitate penetration of negative ions to human body as well as massage of injured body parts and bioactive points with the help of massage device made from natural Amber stone, which increases level of Amber acid’s penetration to human body and stimulates regeneration and recovery of injured body parts.
Complex treatment is more effective in a case of various diseases otherwise improvement may be short lasted and effect insufficient. Simultaneous impact on diseases in several ways finally forces a disease to disappear.
Procedures for treatment of the following diseases are being carried out in the Amber Therapy Room:
•    Vascular diseases of general character; Bronchitis, asthma, tonsillitis;
•    Varicosity of veins;
•    Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
•    Diffusional non toxic and nodular goiter;
•    Hypertonia I and II stages;
•    Cardio-vascular diseases;
•    Commissural process in small pelvis, infertility, adnexites;
•    Post-operative period after operation of bile cyst;
•    Mastopathia, myomas, lipomas;
•    Oncological diseases.
Procedures of complex impact on diseases are being performed in the Amber therapy room, including:
•    Penetration of Amber acid to human body in way diffusion.
•    Affecting of human body with negative ions .
•    Massage of bioactive points with natural amber stone.

Penetration of Amber acid to human body in way diffusion

amber-roomAmber acid is capable of penetrating to human body from inwards and from outwards. Applying therapy of Amber acid, its particles penetrate to human body via skin pores and have the same effect as oral use of the remedy. Therefore wearing of necklace made from unpolished amber seems effective under disorders of thyroid gland. In the Amber Therapy Room Amber acid, available in amber, penetrates via cells of human body and increases energy balance, which accordingly contributes to self regulation and improvement of energy processes within cell.

Affecting of human body with negative ions

Negative ions (aeroions) are negatively charged microscopic particles of the air. They appear under effect of high amount of energy on atom or molecule. In order to provide normal functioning for human or animal body it is necessary that negative ions of oxygen, i.e. superoxide anions, would be available in the air together with usual molecules of oxygen.
The reason of ionisation of atmosphere gases in the nature is considered to be cosmic rays, radioactive elements of lithosphere and atmosphere, UV radiation and electric discharges (thunder). There is a big amount of superoxides near the sea due to swell of sea water.
Various experiments have been carried out. Experiments with rats have proved that negative ions has positive impact and vice versa. Death-rate of rats, participated in sessions of air ionization with negative ions, was 9 times lower compared with control group. Negative aeroions increased mobility of rats, their appetite, weight and genital activity, improved quality of their fur, increased resistance towards infections and prolonged their life more than by 40%. Air ionization with positive ions during a month was the reason of mortality of even 60% of experimental animals. Already during the first days of the experiment appetite of rats has dropped, depression has occurred and mobility has been reduced in line with general dyspepsia. It is safe to say that negative aeroions of oxygen have positive impact and positive aeroions lead to distress.
amber-roomThe beginning of any disease is disorder of metabolism within human cells, which occurs due to reduction of their negative discharge. Negative discharge may be restored by breathing in the air, containing a big amount of negative aeroions of oxygen. After getting into lungs they penetrate into blood and are being distributed throughout the whole body at the same time restoring negative discharge of cells and stimulating metabolism in line with impact of anti thrombosis. Currently it is safe to say that superoxide anions perform a regulatory function within human body.
It is enough for human being to spend several minutes in Amber Therapy Room in order to increase energy potential in cells and to preserve it at the sufficient level for a long time. Systematic respiration of the air, enriched with oxygen aeroions, slowed ageing of live organisms and prolongs their life. This was proved long time ago by A.L. Tchizevski. As time runs discharge of electrostatic systems of human body occurs (reduction of the capacity of membrane potential) in line with reduction of ionization of cytoplasm. Mentioned occurences finally result in enlargement of biocolloids, dehydratation and consolidation of protoplasm, deteriorating nutrition and energy balance within human tissues. These physical-chemical modifications are typical of ageing. But constant influence of negative oxygen aeroions slow down progressive electrodischarge of tissues and ageing of human being and grants several additional years of life.
Air without ions is like food without vitamins. Air with aeroions lack and its electrical insufficiency lead to hypoxia, including all its consequences. Therefore the air of country side, in a forest or near the sea or mountains is considered to be healthy. As example comparative values of air saturation with negative ions in various places is presented below:
Air of city flats                                           50-100 Aeroions/сm3
Air of city streets                                       100-500 Aeroions/сm3
Air in the forest or near the sea             1000-5000 Aeroions/сm3
Air of montane health resorts                More than 5000 Aeroions/сm3
Amber therapy room                                Level seeks 6330 Aeroions/сm3
Opened windows, ventilation and conditioning system have no essential effect on state of aeroions in premises. Currently ellectroefluvial aeroionizers are especially popular (aeroionizers or so called “Lustres of Tchizevski”). Currently they are being manufactured in various regions of Russia. However even certificated models are applied only for sanitary but not for remedial purposes. Besides, different manufacturers produce aeroionizers based on various principles of operation (with constant or momentum modes of generation of oxygen aeroions), which requires to study consequences of their influence and manners of application. Also during performance of aero ionization particles of dust are being charged, which lately precipitates out on wall and furniture. Thus is formation of heavy ions, which are capable of damaging the organism.
Negatively charged environment of Amber Therapy Room is being acquired absolutely naturally, particles of areoions are being distributed uniformly and also danger of formation of heavy ions is eliminated. Overdosage of light ions is impossible because blood is not capable of assimilating a bigger part of oxygen molecules as it is determined by the number of molecules of hemoglobin, which distribute oxygen throughout cells and everything that can not be assimilated by imbibed by blood will breathed out. It has not been observed even a single event of deterioration of human health under influence of aeroions.
Negative oxygen ions restore energy within blood corpuscules thus blood circulation normalizes. Experiments have proved out that at the moment of breath in of aeroions blood vessels become elastic, prevention of formation of atherosclerosis plagues occurs. Accordingly negative oxygen ions have effects of anti thrombosis and anti atherosclerotic, which helps to prevent risk of cardio-vascular diseases. Treatment of hypertonia with the help of oxygen ions according to A.L. Tchizevski reduces arterial blood pressure by 10-20 units event after the first session. After blood pressure is likely to increase till the initial level and after 30-35 sessions it is likely to normalize. Besides, successful results have been determined by the badness of initial state of patients.
Japanese scientists have introduced the theory claiming that if a person is in the room, saturated with negative ions, under their influence human body produces anti-oxidant called Ubiquinole. Ubiquinole destroys highly active molecules and ions, released from oxygen. These compounds are called "active oxygen”. Active oxygen damages cell proteins and thus stimulates the process, which leads to formation of cancer tumours. But Ubiquinole affects active oxygen much earlier than beginning of its impact on proteins, i.e. makes it harmless. In 1931 French scientist F. Vles has discovered that during presence of animals under conditions of negative ions, development of spontaneous cancer is being reduced more than by 10 times. Placing of rats suffering from cancer into cages with surplus of aeroions, resulted in disappearance of their tumours. In 1951 American scientists also has proved that negative aeroions prevents growth of transplanted cancer tumours for animals. A.L Tchizevski supposed that development of tumours may be determined by systematic shortage of aeroions, a person meets constantly. This results in troubles of energy balance, reduction of energy potential and cause premature ageing, which provides medium for malignant growth. Oxygen aeroions increases energy balance in mucosa membrane of gastrointestinal tract more than by 50%, which in turn improves rates of regeneration and eliminates ulcerative injuries.

Massage of bioactive points with natural amber stone

Each part of human body has its own bioactive point (often more than one). Under influence of these bioactive points restoration of working processes occur and as consequence regeneration of injured part. Amber is natural bioenergetic, and due to its features it is capable of regulating and optimizing absorbing capability when making influence on bioactive points. At the expense of massage effect, stimulation of processes of injured part is being carried out. Consequently Amber Therapy Room proposes double effect simultaneously.