
Welcome to the website of the company MEDICALAMBER!

We are representatives in the World two companies of Russia which are patent authors and makers skincare cosmetic ingredients, massage oils, creams, food supplements, therapeutic products made from natural Baltic amber stone. All products are 100% natural and genuine. We are not only Business Company, but the same we are alliance peoples which are study, create healing products, ingredients and healing methods with natural Baltic Amber. All ingredients and products are patented.

Company 'Anikton' (Moscow, Russia)

Food supplement 'Jantarit'. This is one and only food supplement with natural amber acid which is obtain from natural amber stone. This food supplement is the best source of amber acid, vitamin C and glucose. Clinical trials you can in our website.
Amber oil, which is made from amber stone. It is original product and in the World a lot of companies are trying to make the copy of this oil but not successfully. From this kind of amber oil you can make a lot of kinds of antiseptic cosmetics products: soap, shampoo, bath gel or other.

Company 'The Stone of Sun' (Kaliningrad, Russia)

Has developed and produces an unique product for skin updating and improvement of an organism 'Crushed Baltic amber'. Crush method is unique and patented. Crushed Amber you can used such ingredient in a lot of products: in the making soap, shampoo, shower jell, massage cream, tonic to face and body, toothpaste in the making sweets, pastilles, chewing-gums and other kinds of food. The same these products you can used such us drug.

Our company was create and patented special 'Therapeutic amber pillow' and 'Therapeutic amber lumbosacral orthose' (massage back belt). We was create and produce special 'Healing amber jewelry': amber rings, bracelets, neckband which can use in Su Jock healing method. Amber is not polished, not heated. It with all healing characteristics which was gets through 50 mln.

The aim of production of this therapeutic orthosis (belt) is to establish a universal tool of acupressure with multiple affects, which after easy transformation may be used for massaging bioactive points available in other body places.

Amber complex is Amber therapy room where walls, celling and floor are coated with an appropriate layer of unpolished Amber. Treatment is being carried out in three stages simultaneously: letting Amber acid to gain access to the human organism by diffusion, making influence on organism with negative ions and by massaging bioactive points with Amber stone. Thus complex treatment is carried out, which accordingly is the more effective as use of these methods separately

Food supplement 'Jantarit' are adaptogenes, derived from natural Amber stone, having unique remedial and preventive features, different from analogues currently available in worldwide market. This remedy differs from other remedies based on Amber acid because natural Amber acid derived from natural Amber stone acts as raw material of the production. This fact firstly ensures that there is no any side effect and range of its application becomes markedly wider. Other preparations usually use Amber acid, which is chemically synthesized from butadiene rubber.

Amber oil is the second preparation, produced from natural Amber. Amber oil is volatile oil therefore it is very effective. It is one of the most rapidly acting antiseptics also helps in combating against viruses, accelerates repair of wound and may be used in a case of various types of dermatosis such as furuculosis, pimples, pyodermia, impetigo, dermatopathia, herpes, tinea, psoriasis, angular cheilitis etc. Also effective against various surgical troubles, such as felon, bolster finger, trophic ulcer, bed sores, thermal injuries, septic wounds.